A secure and powerful
Solana Wallet
Solflare is the safest way to start exploring Solana. Buy, store, swap tokens & NFTs and access Solana DeFi from web or mobile.

circulating sol staked$7,628,653,750.00
staked via Solflare◎ 83.90MM
in stake accounts
Security is Key
Solflare was the first Solana wallet ever. Our core mission to keep users as safe as possible will never change.

Transaction Simulations
See exactly what leaves your wallet before signing a Transaction and be protected at all times.

Hardware Wallet Support
The safest way to interact with Blockchains is with a hardware wallet. Solflare supports Ledger on both web and mobile.

Solflare warns you before interacting with possibly malicious websites. Explore Solana dApps with ease of mind.

Block rocking Power
From Newcomer to Pro - Solflare’s got you covered.
Powerful features are constantly added to assist you to succeed more.